“中秋游”热度持续 长沙这些国潮活动你去了吗?



On September 16, the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, Hunan's tourism market continued to thrive. According to big data modeling analysis based on mobile signals, the total number of visitors across the province reached 10.4927 million on this day. Among them, 1.2927 million were tourists from outside the province, accounting for 12.32% of the total visitor count.


To enrich the cultural and tourism life of citizens and tourists during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Changsha has launched a total of 81 activities in four categories. Whether it is the Hanfu parade of a tour party themed Song Dynasty held in the Wuyi Commercial Circle or the first Mid-Autumn Beacon Festival in Qiao Kou Town, Huangshi District, it can meet the different needs of citizens and tourists.

【Author:Ning Sha-ou, Li Suxuan】 【Editor:李苏璇】